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Bruschetta time
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Afternoon cooking time How to do my Salsa Hope you like it 2 Onions 2, 3 Carrots 2 or 3 Bay Leaves Half Celery Root Garlic, one clove 500 Gr Salsiccia Piemontese (You may use Chipolata) 800 Gr Minced Beef Beef Stock Concentrated Tomato Glass of Red Wine Couple of Anchovies Tomato Passata, 2 bottle of 500 or 600 Gr 2 Onions Chopped Put some olive oil, when hot add the onions and few Bay Leaves Prepare the Garlic (if you like Garlic) remove the center as it is bitter Slice it Beef Stock Cook the Onions until Light Brown Add some Stock Salsiccia piemontese (You may use chipolata)500 gr Remove the Skin Chop, chop, chop Add the Garlic (don't burn it) Looks nice Add the chopped Salsiccia and the minced Beef Meat (800 gr) i like ...
Risotto Cremoso
Today walk to the Creux de l'Envers Alt.730 m In the woods behind Gex, half way up to the Faucille Yes I have walked 11.05 km The Bakery, only few people queuing up Rue de la Fontaine, empty On the way to Le Creux de l'Envers Nice French Chalet Needs some wood for the Fire Place? Beautiful Jura Mountain Finally the road to the Creux The snow is melting on the mountains Nice tree Le Creux de l'Envers Not much to see really! Let's continue up the valley An old bridge End of the road, let's go back The Forest Natural reserve The Jura Almost Home Strange creatures near home